Office Hour Cancellation

Piper Essick
Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin
First Anniversary 5 Up Votes First Answer First Comment

In an effort to prioritize current issues, Office Hours will be cancelled for the
next several weeks. I will be taking this time to work closely with our team to
use your feedback to map out solutions and implement change. I will still be
available to answer questions and capture your feedback in the community forum.

Thank you!


  • Travel in Missouri
    Travel in Missouri MSA Posts: 11
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Comment

    These were my questions for the Thursday call. Since it's not happening, hope you don't mind if I post here.

    For articles rejected for:

    • Content contains duplicate images.

    Does this mean we can't use our 'featured image' as our main image in our article? That is pretty standard for most bloggers.

    I'm also getting a lot of articles for my other site - 52 Perfect Days ( that don't have a 'reason' & say

    • Unable to publish. Contact us for help.

    Also, articles still sitting in 'under review' — for months now. I try to change something to republish, but doesn't help. I've reached out to the 'news help' email, but it doesn't seem to get resolved like it used to.

    Last — I'm posting daily and trying to be active on MSN, but my pageviews for both my sites are DOWN by a huge margin. Any tips? Is it a season/summer thing?


  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes First Answer First Comment

    @Travel in Missouri Thanks for the questions!

    Your featured image does not count as a duplicate image. It is duplicate images within the body of the article.

    I have contacted our moderation team to gain some insight into what is happening with moderation and if there have been changes. Please email when you get that alert. It helps to include screenshots.

    You can email me at with screenshots of your pageviews and I can take a look at what is going on!

  • Mikkel Woodruff
    Mikkel Woodruff MSA Posts: 20
    5 Up Votes First Comment Name Dropper Photogenic

    @Travel in Missouri I have the same rejection for "duplicate images" that I don't understand. Thanks for looking into that @Piper Essick!