1. Does the API support querying with an "OR" statement?
No, you will need to make multiple queries.
2. Q: Does the API support various image sizes?
Image dimensions are dynamic, to specify exact dimensions you can pass parameters for:
Width, using w=
Height, using h=
Let’s look at an example using this image below:
In the article payload in response, look for “images” and you will be able to find the specific image meta information.
The focalRegion is defined as a square within the image, for instance you can see the focalpoint for this image is set as “the man who is capturing a photo of the scenery”.
A quick way to find this, is to take the average of X1 + X2, and the average of Y1 + Y2. To obtain a 300 x 300 image cropped to the focal point you would write:
3. Which date time field to use?
publishedDateTime: This is the date given by the content provider for when the article was published. This can be overwritten by Microsoft News editors. This may account for some of the future dates you see in the data.
4. How do I get a feed of mixed content from all of the different categories?
Calling “feed” endpoint without “query” parameter will return a feed of mixed content from different categories.
5. How do I report a live site incident?
Report the incident by sending email to alias:
Microsoft News API Incident Report Alias: msftnewsapi@microsoft.com
· Please include the following information in the incident report email:
· Priority of the issue
· Description of the issue
· Repro steps, with the actual Microsoft News API query URL
· Expected results / actual results
· Business impact (e.g., market, product)
6. What are the markets supported by the Microsoft News API and what are the locale IDs?
Please note that the content response works best when queried in the local language.
When querying for News for EN-US you’ll want to write:
When querying for News for FR-FR, you would use the query term “ACTUALITÉ” the French translation for News:
For the full list of markets mapping to verticals, please see the attached spreadsheet “Microsoft News Market Mapping.xlsx” Below is a snapshot of supported markets and the corresponding ID to use within the market field of the API call.